Friday, January 21, 2011

Sophia-Art of Lost Words

For this project I have been asked to adopt an endangered word, which is in risk of ‘falling out of the English dictionary’ and promise to use it frequently. To adopt a word I had to visit the website and look through a list of diverse words. From this I can produce my own artwork which uses and incorporates the word which I chose, succeeding with the objectives of my project.
After researching and analyzing the 3 artists work I chose a word from to use to produce my own art involving the word. My word is ingordigious, which means greedy. I really liked this work as I could take my word in so many directions with greed being a part of so many factors in life, such as, food, gambling, money etc. I then produced some origami shapes based on my word and photographed them. My favourite origami shape and photograph is this. It’s my favourite because I really like the camera angle and how I have used actual sweet wrappers and put them in the image to. Also, I like how you can slightly see down the tube and how the sweets are resting on each other.
I disliked this origami shape and photograph because it doesn’t look like what it is meant to be. The idea behind this origami shape was how vines on a tree are greedy for sunlight and ‘strangle’ the tree to get to it. However, I think it looks more like an arrow, and the photograph is to close up.

After photographing all of my origami I edited a selection of photographs which I had taken. I edited two for each shape I did. My favourite edited photo is this because I really like the effect which was put onto it. I liked the photograph before it was edited but with the contrasted turned up on the effect I think it makes it look more professional and interesting. I think it creates a better atmosphere and adds more depth to the photo. As my word has a strong, bold meaning, I wanted to make my work stand out and show the statement of the word. I feel like I have achieved this, making it much easier to move on to the next stage of my development.
If I am to edit the photographs which I have taken in the future I will take into account the improvements needed for some of these photographs. Overall, I have enjoyed doing taking the photographs and editing them in Photoshop and I would like to carry this on further throughout my work. However, I would like to make it more detailed and have an improved, professional quality to the finish.


  1. Sophia It is really interesting to see how students in other classes have developed this project. Thanks for sharing your work.
    I would be interested to see how this inital development turns into resolved outcomes and how the work of others has aided this development.

  2. Hi Sophia,

    Can't resist commenting on your second photograph and composition. It has a sense of reckless discard which seems to describe so clearly the consequences of your word choice ingordigious 'greed'. Like Nellog I'd really like to see where and how your work develops.

    Sophie Leach
    Assistant General Secretary
    National Society for Education in Art and Design

  3. What a brilliant word - I'd never heard of it. I agree that you see an arrow with the third photo. I like the first because it has that 'completely embedded' feel that greed has. Looking forward tos eeing where you take this Sophia!
