Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dan N-AS Photography

This year I have taken AS Photography, I wanted to do this because it seemed like an interesting subject, which would provide me we new skills. We started the course by taking pictures from around the college which show the three main elements which are shape, tone and contrast. This is the best photo that I took from all of the pictures from around the college.
We then started to plan our own photo shoots, we started off by taking pictures of; pinecones, bottles of water and chairs. These were difficult because they are un-usual objects to take pictures and to make them good photos. One of our homework tasks were to take pictures of things and compare them to a photographer, the photographer that I used was Dale Unrah he takes pictures of nature and landscapes.
To enhance our learning we went on a trip to Birmingham to visit a number of art galleries modern and old to give us all new and inspired inspiration, this trip also take pictures of the art and sculptures. After we had been on the trip we started to use Photoshop to edit out photos, I learned about joiner photography this is where you take a number of images and join them together to make one complete photo. We also learned about HDR which is High Dynamic Range, this is where you intensify the colours of an image to emphasise different elements.

One of the major tasks that we were given was to recreate a masterpiece of a artist and recreate it with photos, the masterpiece that I picked was painting by Friedensreich Hundertwasser and is called 'Pavilions and Bungalows'. (Below)
I focused on shape and colour in my work to recreate it.  


  1. Love the DOF in the leaf image and your imaginative use of beads!

  2. I really like the first bead photo. I like the way the image has distorted across the top left corner. I think its an excellent way to recreate Hundertwasser's work!

  3. I love the picture of the leaf!

  4. Really clever Dan. I love the picture of the seat! How on earth do you think of these angles?¬!
